I've sadly neglected my blog recently. I seem l have lost my inspiration for unique posts and I haven't wanted to conform to the usual 'Christmas is Coming' posts that I read day in day out. Not that I don't love reading them, I do!
Naturally wedding planning has taken over my life, but I haven't wanted to blog about it and bore you with the details. Which I am about to do now ;)
I apologise for the formatting of this post, clearly blogger hates me for neglecting.
My life these last few weeks have revolved around dogs, weddings, and Christmas. I did all my Christmas shopping back in October, but until last night hadn't wrap a single one. We've had Luke's parents' dogs to stay with us so our house has been like a kennel. Beau is getting ever so tinkerish, biting and chewing everything in sight. He even took over the remote control last night! He loves the bath, so much so that I have to schedule my hair wash for when Luke is around to distract him from jumping in.
I also took on the mammoth task of making all the wedding invites. I wanted them to be handmade but look professional so naturally they've become time consuming and my poor little cuttlebug is feeling the strain. Then there's the prospect of demolishing the house in the new year and thinking 'how are we going to build a house and plan a wedding at the same time?' so I have been trying to plan as much as possible before demolition to ease the pressure. |
So, after a stressful, tearful, exciting 5 weeks, we've set a date, picked the venue, booked the church, booked the caterers, arranged a tasting session, picked and booked a band, cut out 230 birds, 115 squares of lace, bought 25 rolls of double sided sticky tape and made a grand total of 7 invites. Out of 70. We'll get there ;) I have also picked my dress and am going back this weekend to hopefully buy it! There is a list as long as my arm of other things to do. You cross one off, and add on 3 more! I'm just so grateful for Luke and his helpful nature, bless his socks he has spent a fair few hours cutting out birds for the invites!
We've spent a lot of time together [making invites] but we only realised last week that we hadn't celebrated our engagement on our own, so we had Dad round to dog sit and hopped into Birmingham for some christmas market fun.
There have also been many tears [all on my part, obviously]. Who said planning a wedding is the most exciting time of your life?! Obviously I am SO excited, but I have learnt some things whilst planning. There are certain people that have to be invited. The family you've not seen for years but who cannot not be invited. The friends you haven't seen for years that you don't feel you should invite but have to to save a ruined friendship. The plus ones of people you've never met, so their other halves don't feel lonely. I have written the guest list out so many times, there have been many promotions and demotions. I tried to take a stance of 'if you've not bothered with us then I won't invite you' but even that can't work. So my guest list is bulging at the seams and I don't even know how!! Any other wedding planners having this problem?
On a Christmas note [it would be rude not to], I persuaded Luke to let us buy and put up our first ever Xmas tree on Sunday as he usually won't allow it until after his birthday. It, together with the cinnamon candles we've had burning, have made the house feel so cosy and festive.
Wow I didn't want this to turn into a moaning post so I'll leave it there with a few snapshots.
Any tips for wedding planning would be much appreciated :)